How To Lose Weight

The reason you’re on this website is because you want to lose weight.  I’m happy you’re here because you are taking the first step in your journey.  I know its hard but you can do it!  Lets talk about some steps you can take to start off on the right foot. 


Calories In VS Calories Out

In order to start losing weight you need to be in a caloric deficit.  This means in a day, you need to burn more calories than you eat.  There are many macro calculators to help you figure this out.  Go on to google and look up “macro calculator.”  You need to be as honest as you can to find out the amount of calories you need to start losing weight.  If you’re interested on how I started my journey with this amazing product, click the link below.

I know a lot of people don’t like to exercise. I’m not going to sit here and say everyone should be going to the gym and working out 2 hours a day.  I think everyone should be doing something.  If all you can do is go for a walk, then that’s what you should do.  What I like to do is go for a walk right after dinner.  I make it a nightly thing to do with my family.  You don’t have to go far.  Start off with a walk around the block.  Then start to go a little farther, then a little farther.  Then in no time you will be walking a mile or two.  And guess what?  You’re burning calories!!  This is how I started my journey.  I started off walking…Now my favorite thing to do is go to the gym and get a good workout in.  Just start small.

How To Change Your Diet

If you’re like me, you love food.  I didn’t know what eating right  meant.  I ate fast food at least 3 times a week.  Even when I made food at home, it was all processed. I’d throw a frozen pizza in the oven and eat a bag of chips.  When I wanted to start losing weight I had to really research on what to do.  There are a million different diets and opinions on what you should eat.  Start off slow.  Instead of having that frozen pizza, make your own, with healthier ingredients.  Instead of going to a fast food burger joint, go to chipotle and get a chicken bowl.  The point is, don’t go all out at first because more than likely you will fall off the wagon.  This is how I learned.  I fell off many times before changing my life.  Try and get to the point where you are just eating whole foods that aren’t processed.  Make protein a priority.  If you want to know what jump started my journey, check out the link below.